Monday, 4 April 2011

Tutani Sculptor

Tutani Mgabazi is a young Zimbabean sculptor. He trained originally under his uncle Francis Mgabazi in the Guruve District of Mashonaland West Province. His apprenticeship served he moved to the Tengenenge sculptors'village where he worked on his art for the next two years under the mentorshiop of Internationally acclaimed artist Benura. Feeling somewhat constrained after this two years of initiation Tutani determined at the age of just 19 to break out on his own. With his father's help he pegged a claim for suitable stone from which to execute his work (known localy as Springstone, a dark, hard form of serpentine) . The quarry is near Mutorashanga. Here Jill Latham who was interested in Shona sculpture found him at work one day. A lasting friendship and partnership developed. Between them they created a sculpture garden gallery at Feoch the Latham family home where they displayed works chosen by the two of them, always trying to locate and develop young artists with real talent and is Tutani's own showcase. The garden gallery has always been very selective displaying only work by real artists and shunning commercialism and pavement art.Visitors come from Europe, North America, Britian, South Africa and other African countries. Tutani himself has also shown his work in galeriesd and workshops in the US, Canada, Holland, Italy and Germany as well as nearer home in South Africa and of course at galleries and exhibitions in Harare, Zimbabwe's capital city.